I would like to thank you very much for your very kind hospitality in Bucharest and for the very special social evenings. I enjoyed very much the SOE Session, and thank you for the invitation.
The Congress was excellently organized and it was very nice to meet with old friends and meet some colleagues for the first time. I was really impressed that both of you and other colleagues were very active in the program development and in the preparation and finalisation of the Sessions, especially those dealing with VISION 2020, ROP and DR where I was involved. It was also a great achievement that the Romanian colleagues had translated the ICO Diabetic Eye Care Guideline to Romanian language and you have published it in CD-ROM and this was delivered to every congress participants. Congratulations! I will arrange to show it also in the ICO homepage. I am looking forward to working together also in the future,
With my best personal regards!
MD, PhD, DScProfessor at Semmelweis University
A heartfelt thank you to the Romanian Society of Ophthalmology for inviting me as a speaker at their excellent, dedicated to innovations in the field of ophthalmology National Congress and for presenting me with SRO Honorary Member Award! It’s a tremendous honour to receive this award!
Head of the Department of Ophthalmology at Grebena General Hospital, Greece.
Congratulations on the perfect organization of the joint event! I am
extremely impressed by the top quality of scientific and clinical
contribution in the Congress of our Romanian colleagues. I would like
also to emphasize our gratitude for the generous hospitality and the
valuable role of Prof. Selaru to the Board during the event. Thanks
again for your personal kind attention to the group of young
ophthalmologists from Bulgaria.
Your efforts for planning the social events resulted in exceptional
success and were enjoyable for all. The highlight of the Congress was
the concert with ceremony and reception at the Palace.
With best wishes for productive and nice fall time. In Bulgaria, right
now is extremely colorful and pleasant.
Vision Excellence Awards, Professor of Ophthalmology at Sofia Medical University, head of University Eye Hospital “Akad Pashev” Bulgaria.